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Infrared Sauna For Skin and Body Benefits


Infrared saunas are an excellent way to detoxify and heal your body. They can also help with pain relief, weight loss, blood pressure, muscle recovery and more. Infra red sauna Northern Beaches is safe for all ages and has no side effects. It’s a great addition to your daily self-care routine!

Infrared Sauna for Pain Relief

Infrared saunas help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. They can also increase blood flow to the area of pain, relax muscles, and reduce stress. In a study conducted on patients with chronic low back pain, those who used an infrared sauna twice a week for 8 weeks reported significant decreases in pain and stiffness after treatment compared with patients who only received standard care (1). This study goes on to suggest that infrared sauna treatments may be effective for treating other types of chronic muscle or joint pain such as osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia syndrome.

Infrared sauna therapy has also been shown to be beneficial for many other conditions:

  • Arthritis – Infrared sauna sessions improve joint mobility, flexibility and range of motion while reducing stiffness caused by arthritis (2).
  • Asthma – By increasing circulation throughout your body and improving lung function, infrared saunas help ease asthma symptoms such as shortness of breath or wheezing (3).

Infrared Sauna for Detoxification

If you have a sauna in your home, you can use it to improve the health of your skin and body. One way this is done is by detoxification.

Detoxification occurs when the body rids itself of toxins that have built up over time and as part of normal functioning. These toxins are pulled out via sweat and other bodily secretions such as urine, saliva, mucus and feces. They can also be found in food or liquid consumed by humans on a daily basis. Toxins may include chemicals, heavy metals like lead or mercury as well as pesticides which are often found in non-organic foods grown in soil with poor conservation practices (such as large industrial farms).

The heat from an infrared sauna helps loosen these toxins so they can be eliminated through sweat when someone enters into one of these devices for at least 15 minutes per session; typically longer sessions are recommended for better results however there will always be exceptions based on individual need/preference factors such as fitness levels etcetera

Infrared Sauna for Blood Pressure

Infrared saunas are known to lower blood pressure and improve circulation.

According to research published in the May 2000 issue of The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, “the use of infrared heat lamps can decrease hypertension through stimulation of nitric oxide production.”

The study found that when participants were exposed to 10-minute sessions in a sauna with infrared heat lamps for two weeks, their levels of nitric oxide increased by nearly 200 percent compared with a control group who received no such treatment. The researchers concluded that this increase may have been responsible for lowering their blood pressure levels by as much as 8 points—an effect which lasted up to three hours after each session was completed.

Infrared Sauna for Weight Loss

The infrared sauna is an amazing tool for weight loss. The heat of the sauna helps to increase your body temperature which increases your metabolism and you can lose more calories. Infrared saunas are also great for detoxification and cleansing, which is essential for losing weight.

The infrared light that penetrates into the skin has been shown to greatly improve blood circulation as well as help flush out toxins from your body by increasing perspiration. This greater circulation also promotes faster fat burning by up to 30%!

Add a daily infrared sauna to your self-care routine and reap the benefits.

According to Dr. Drummond, “Infrared saunas will help you detoxify; they’ll help you with pain relief and also with weight loss. It has been proven that an infrared sauna can burn up to 600 calories per session.”

Drummond says that a typical infrared sauna session is 20 minutes long and people can begin to experience benefits after just one session. She notes that while there are no health risks associated with using an infrared sauna, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for usage, including staying hydrated and trying not to overheat your body (don’t go beyond 140 degrees).


We hope this article has shown you how infrared saunas can help improve your health and well-being. As with any new practice, it’s important to think about what’s best for your body and lifestyle before jumping into an infrared sauna program. If you’re interested in learning more or purchasing one yourself, check out our website today!